Simply to chronicle my journey at being a Godly, Christian father as my mission. Something I am praying for more fathers to do, consider their being a father as a mission that God has called them into. I am hoping that blogging my struggles in this journey might be used by God to help someone else in similar struggles on a similar journey. Also, I am hoping that by committing to doing this that it will force me to examine my steps on this journey and be more diligent at obedience and seeking wisdom at every turn, i.e. letting go of my selfish desires and giving in to God's desires. READ THIS to hear my story and how I got here now.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My wife is pregnant with #6. At the same time I have a friend at work whose wife is pregnant with their first. We found out at the same time and he (jokingly) said I stole his thunder with my announcement of #6. I told him that #1 carried much more weight in the announcement category than #6 to most people. People just stare at me and I can hear them saying in their heads, "What's wrong with these people?" Then they say out loud, "Don't you know what causes that?" or "How many is that, twenty?" Yeah, I have heard them all. It's funny how most people can't comprehend more than two or three kids in a family. Heh, I used to be one of those who couldn't comprehend it. Remember, I am the guy who would've just gone on without any kids or would've just stopped after one or maybe two when they did come. But I would've missed out on the blessings that I have received from all of my kids. As my wife says the more kids we have, the holier we get. Sanctification through parenting... who knew? :)

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